Climate Change 2001:
Working Group III: Mitigation
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4. Technological and Economic Potential of Options to Enhance, Maintain, and Manage Biological Carbon Reservoirs and Geo-engineering


Executive Summary

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Carbon Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems

4.2.1 Historical Land-Use Change in the Tropics Trends in Land Use and Changes in Carbon Stocks Driving Forces for Land-Use Change

4.2.2 Land Use in the Temperate and Boreal Zones Historical and Present Land Use in the Temperate and Boreal Zones Driving Forces for Land Use Change

4.2.3 Forest Disturbance Regimes
4.2.4 Changes in Global Climate and Other Indirect Human Effects

4.3 Processes and Practices that Can Contribute to Climate Mitigation

4.3.1 System Constraints and Considerations
4.3.2 Opportunities in Forests Wood Products Managing Wetlands

4.3.3 Opportunities in Agricultural Lands

4.4 Environmental Costs and Ancillary Benefits

4.4.1 Environmental Costs and Ancillary Benefits in Forests
4.4.2 Environmental Costs and Ancillary Benefits in Agricultural Lands

4.5 Social and Economic Considerations

4.5.1 Economics
4.5.2 Institutional Structures and Equity Issues

4.6 Market and Non-market Options to Enhance, Maintain, and Manage Carbon Pools

4.6.1 Introduction, Taxes, and Quotas
4.6.2 Carbon Offsets, Tradable Permits and Leakage
4.6.3 Risks, Rights, and Practical Economics

4.7 Biological Uptake in Oceans and Fresh-water Reservoirs, and Geo-engineering

4.8 Future Research Needs


Co-ordinating Lead Authors:
Pekka Kauppi (Finland), Roger Sedjo (USA)

Lead Authors:
Michael Apps (Canada), Carlos Cerri (Brazil), Takao Fujimori (Japan), Henry Janzen (Canada), Olga Krankina (Russian Federation/USA), Willy Makundi (Tanzania/USA), Gregg Marland (USA), Omar Masera (Mexico), Gert-Jan Nabuurs (Netherlands), Wan Razali (Malaysia), N.H. Ravindranath (India)

Contributing Authors:
David Keith (USA), Haroon Kheshgi (USA), Jari Liski (Finland)

Review Editors:
Eduardo Calvo (Peru), Birger Solberg (Norway)

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