Climate Change 2001:
Working Group III: Mitigation
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Chapter 2 Appendix

Appendix 2.1: Details of scenarios from IPCC-SRES database in legends of Figures 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, and 2.7
Legend Key
Baseline scenario name
Stabilzation scenario name
Legend key name
Baseline scenario name
Stabilzation scenario name
AIM (1) Standard Ref Stblz ppm/STD PEF (25) Modeler's Ref Stblz ppm/MOD
AIM96 (2) Standard Scenario Scenario_3 PEF (26) Standard Ref Stblz ppm/STD
CETA (3) Modeler's Ref Stblz ppm/MOD RICE (27) Modeler's Ref Stblz ppm/MOD
CETA (4) Standard Ref Stblz ppm/STD SGM97 (28) Reference MID550 (full trade)
CRPS (5) Standard Ref Stblz ppm/STD SGM97 (28a) -- MID550 (partial
DICE (6) Modeler's Ref Stblz ppm/MOD SGM97 (28b) -- WGI550 (trade)
DNE21/98 (7) Ref 550ppmv SGM97 (28c) -- WRE550 (trade)
HCRA (9) Standard Ref Stblz ppm/STD WEC (29) -- C
ICAM2 (10) Modeler's Ref Stblz ppm/MOD YOHE (30) Modeler's Ref Stblz ppm/MOD
ICAM2 (11) Standard Ref Stblz ppm/STD AIM97 (31) -- Stblz ppm/MOD
IIASA (12) Modeler's Ref Stblz ppm/MOD AIM97 (31a) -- MID550 (full trade)
IIASA (13) Standard Ref Stblz ppm/STD AIM97 (31b) -- MID550 (no trade)
IIASA/WEC98 (14) -- C1 AIM97 (31c) -- WRE550 (full trade)
IIASAWEC (15) -- C1 AIM97 (31d) -- WRE550 (no trade)
IMAGE2.1 (16) Baseline-A Stab 550 All AIM97 (31e) -- WGI550 (no trade)
MARIA (17) Standard Ref Stblz ppm/STD CETA (32) -- 550_stab
MARIA95 (18) -- A FUND (33) Modeler's Reference Kyoto+Min.Cost
MERGE (19) Standard Ref Stblz ppm/STD FUND (33a) -- Min. Cost 550ppm
MINICAM (20) Standard Ref Stblz ppm/STD G-CUBED (34) Modeler's Reference Stblz ppm
MIT (21) Modeler's Ref Stblz ppm/MOD GRAPE (35) -- Stblz ppm
MIT (22) Standard Ref Stblz ppm/STD RICE (40) Modeler's Reference Min. Cost 550ppm
NWEAR21 (23) -- Stblz ppm/MOD SGM (41) -- WRE550 (trade)
PAGE (24) Standard Ref Stblz ppm/STD      
Note: The scenario names are taken from the IPCC scenario database (Morita & Lee, 1998a)

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