Upcoming conference: "EPA: Scientific Credibility, Public Accountability?"

What: A Capitol Hill conference sponsored by the Lexington Institute

When: Tuesday, July 20, 1999, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Where: 121 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC

Panel I -- A View From the Inside

David Lewis, EPA scientist, "The Misuse of Science EPA"
Robert Chapman, EPA scientist, "The Need for Open Dialogue in Scientific Assessment at EPA Without Fear of Reprisals"
Brian Rimar, former EPA scientist, "The State of Science in EPA's Superfund Program"
Stephen Kohn, President, National Whistleblower Center, "Are Whistleblowers Protected at EPA?"

Panel II -- EPA and the Universe it Regulates

Michael Gough, former scientist, Office of Technology Assessment, "The Importance of Data Access in the Scientific Process"

Chris Foreman, Brookings Institution, "Environmental Justice and the Inner Cities"

James Delong, National Legal Center for the Public Interest, "Setting Priorities in Environmental Enforcement"

Becky Norton Dunlop, former director, Department of Natural Resources, Commonwealth of Virginia, "The Relations Between EPA and the States"

The conference is open to Congressional staffers, people from the policy community, and members of the press. Those wishing to attend may RSVP by phone at 703-522-5828 or by e-mail at mail@lexingtoninstitute.org.