Climate Change 2001:
Working Group III: Mitigation
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7.5.6 Suggestions for Improvements in the Costing Study Approach Applied to Developing Countries and Economies in Transition

Climate change studies in developing countries need to be strengthened in terms of methodology, data, and policy frameworks. Although a complete standardization of the methods is not possible, to achieve a meaningful comparison of results it is essential to use consistent methodologies, perspectives, and policy scenarios in different nations.

The following modifications to conventional approaches are suggested:

In addition to paying attention to these factors, it is important to bear in mind that perhaps the most serious limitation of cost studies for developing countries is the paucity of data. Some mitigation studies have tried to circumvent data problems by making opaque assumptions or using estimates from data that relate to different circumstances. It is preferable to use simplified approaches that provide insights into basic development drivers, structures, and trade-offs than to use standardized international models in which the data and assumptions are duplicated from industrial countries.

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