Climate Change 2001:
Working Group I: The Scientific Basis
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Appendix 10.1:

List of regional climate model simulations of duration longer than 3 months nested within analyses; also including oceanic RCMs (O-RCM).

References Grid size Duration Region
a) Individual January/July present-day simulations
Walsh and McGregor (1996) 125 km 7x1 month Antarctica
Rinke et al. (1999) 55 km 11x1 month Arctic
Takle et al. (1999) 50 km 7x2 months USA
Katzfey (1999) 125 km 8x1 month Australia
b) Seasonally-varying present-day simulations
Giorgi et al. (1993a) 60 km 2 years USA
Christensen et al. (1995) 56 km 20 months Europe
Leung and Ghan (1995) 30 and 90 km 1 year North-west USA
Kim (1997) 20 km 11 months to 10 years Europe
Christensen et al. (1997) 26 to 57 km 11 months to 10 years Europe
Jenkins (1997) 110 km 2x4 months West Africa
Kidson and Thompson (1998) 50 km 5 years New Zealand
McGregor et al. (1998) 44 km 1 year Southeast Asia
Noguer et al. (1998) 50 km 10 years Europe
Ruti et al. (1998) 30 km 19 months Europe
Seth and Giorgi (1998) 60 km 2x4 months USA
Leung and Ghan (1998) 90 km 3 years North-west USA
Kauker (1998) 15 km 15 years North Sea (O-RCM)
Christensen (1999) 55 km 7x1 year Mediterranean area
Giorgi and Shields (1999) 60 km 3 years USA
Giorgi et al. (1999) 60 km 13 month East Asia
Small et al. (1999a) 60 km 5.5 years Central Asia
van Lipzig (1999) 55 km 10 years Antarctica
Liston and Pielke (1999) 50 km 1 year USA
Hong and Leetmaa (1999) 50 km 4x3 months USA
Christensen and Kuhry (2000) 16 km 15 years Arctic Russia
Pan et al. (2000) 55 km 2x10 years USA
Mabuchi et al. (2000) 30 km 6.5 years Japanese Islands
Jacob and Podzun (2000) 55 km 10 years Northern Europe
c) Seasonal tropical or monsoon simulations
Bhaskaran et al. (1996) 50 km 4 months Indian monsoon
Ji and Vernekar (1997) 80 km 3x5.5 months Indian monsoon
Wei et al. (1998) 60 km 4 months Temperate East Asia
Sun et al. (1999)60 km 60 km 10x3 month East Africa
Leung et al. (1999a) 60 km 3x3 month East Asia
Chen and Fu (2000) 60 km 3 years East Asia
[1995, 1] Third International Conference on Modelling of Global Climate Change and Variability, Hamburg, Germany, 4 to 8 September 1995.
[2000, 2] Submitted to Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling. (CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation Report) [Geneva]: WMO.
[2000, 3] 80th AMS Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California, 9 to 14 January 2000.

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