Climate Change 2001:
Synthesis Report
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Figure 7-5: Carbon in oil, gas, and coal reserves and resources is compared with historic fossil-fuel carbon emissions over the period 1860–1998, and with cumulative carbon emissions from a range of SRES scenarios and TAR stabilization scenarios until the year 2100. Data for current reserves and resources are shown in the lefthand columns. Unconventional oil and gas includes tar sands, shale oil, other heavy oil, coal bed methane, deep geopressured gas, gas in aquifers, etc. Gas hydrates (clathrates) that amount to an estimated 12,000 Gt C are not shown. The scenario columns show both SRES reference scenarios as well as scenarios that lead to stabilization of CO2 concentrations at a range of levels. Note that if by the year 2100 cumulative emissions associated with SRES scenarios are equal to or smaller than those for stabilization scenarios, this does not imply that these scenarios equally lead to stabilization.

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