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MSNBC reporter omits FDA finding that tampon scare is Internet rumor

MSNBC Health reporter Francesca Lyman either needs reading glasses -- or a course in journalism ethics.

In either event, she should be ashamed for recklessly scaring tampon users.

On Feb. 10, MSNBC posted Francesca's alarmist story about dioxin-contaminated tampons causing endometriosis.

The basis for the article was largely the story of one "Ruth B."

Ruth used tampons. Ruth got endometriosis. Therefore, according to Francesca, the tampons must have caused the endometriosis. Right?


According to a Dec. 21, 1998 memo by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration:

FDA regulates safety and effectivenss of medical devices, including tampons. Recently, it has come to the agency's attention that allegations about tampons are being spread over the Internet. It is alleged that some tampons are contaminated by asbestos and dioxin, and that rayon fbers cause toxic shock syndrome (TSS). There is no evidence supporting any of these rumors. Their source is unknown.

Although Francesca cited other parts of this memo in her story, she never mentioned the FDA considers the tampon scare to be an unfounded rumor -- a pretty strong condemnation given the agency's tendency to encourage rather than squelch health scares.

Did Francesca omit the FDA's dismissal of the scare because it completely undermined her story?

Can Francesca's journalistic ethic be questioned?

The final analysis reveals Francesca's journalistic forumla:

A unfounded layman's syllogism
(Ruth B. used tampons. Ruth B. got endometriosis. Tampons cause endometriosis.)
Opportunistic politician
(trial-lawyer supported Rep. Carolyn Maloney)
Bogus experts
(dioxin hysteric Arnold Schecter, former Environmental Defense Fund scientist Peter deFur, and germ-expert (not toxicologist) Philip Tierno
Made-to-look-defensive corporate spokesman
(John McKeegan, public relations officer at tampon manufacturer Johnson & Johnson)
Selective reporting of facts
(courtesy of Francesca Lyman)
"Tainted Tampons?"

Send your comments to Francesca Lyman at MSNBC.

Don't forget to let Francesca's boss know what you think.

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